IIESM has conducted a number of research in Green Infrastructure Materials such as laminated veneer lumber, recycled concrete, ultra high performance concrete, polymer and nano-modified asphalt mixtures, ground exploration and earthquake resistant structural component. IIESM aims to provide innovative solutions to research problems and developing new technologies that are beneficial to our nation.
IIESM offers consultancy services for government agencies and industries such as testing of timber, subsurface exploration using geophysical method, structural integrity and building inspections, soils, concrete and asphalt materials. We also provide advisory services on the usage of innovative green infrastructure materials for the implementation of buildings and infrastructure works.
IIESM has formed various government and industry links and corporate partnerships to carry out research that fulfill the needs of industries. In addition, IIESM has signed MoUs on research collaboration with various local and international universities and industries. Among the partnerships and linkages include research in timber veneer lumber for Malaysian Timber Industry Board, research in timber trusses for the Public Works Department Malaysia, asphalt materials properties investigation for Public Works Department Malaysia, groundwater and subsurface explorations for ground water resources for various companies and government authorities such as Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Kumpulan IKRAM, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad and Public Works Department Malaysia; and finally earthquake building forensic investigation for the Sabah state government.
IIESM offers a range of courses, workshops and seminars which are designed to enhance knowledge and skills of participants in specific areas for Green Infrastructure Materials. Examples include timber design, recycled concrete mix design, asphalt mix, pavement design, earthquake resistant building design and geotechnical site investigations.
IIESM has been continuously organizing the International Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Conference (InCIEC) since 2013. This conference provides a platform for researchers to present their research findings particularly on Green Infrastructure Materials. In addition to InCIEC Conference Proceedings, IIESM has also published a books, chapter in books, technical reports and articles in SCOPUS Indexed Journal.